Code of Practice

Compliance with the Code of Practice is an ongoing requirement of Direct Selling Australia membership. Through our Code of Practice, members commit to high standards of ethics in their business dealings. The Code establishes ground rules for dealing with consumers and potential direct sellers which promotes informed decision-making in an environment of increased confidence and […]

Direct Selling Organisation Members

The Direct Selling Australia “Proud Member” logo is the mark of trust and integrity in the direct selling industry. DSO Members must complete a rigorous application process to be accepted as members of Direct Selling Australia. This ensures the highest standards of business ethics and operation are maintained in our industry, and protect the rights […]


The Direct Selling Australia “Proud Member” logo is the mark of trust and integrity in the direct selling industry. DSO Members must complete a rigorous application process to be accepted as members of Direct Selling Australia. This ensures the highest standards of business ethics and operation are maintained in our industry, and protect the rights […]

What is Direct Selling Australia?

Direct Selling Australia has been the leading representative body for direct selling in Australian retail for over 50 years. We represent and support organisations that manufacture and distribute their goods and services directly to consumers. Our members, currently around 45 direct selling companies, are committed to our ‘Code of Practice’, which promotes high standards of […]